Sunday, January 24, 2010


So, I've been writing on this here "dieting" blog for about two weeks now, and I have yet to do any actual dieting. Whoops. Guess I better get on that.

My intention going forward is to make some real changes to my eating habits. I find this difficult because A) it involves eating healthy things rather than tasty crap (duh), and B) it makes me feel a little bit like a hypocrite. I ate sugar and junk food (in copious amounts) yesterday, so who am I to say I don't eat it today?

I also feel like it is harder to find social support when making dietary changes. If you are an alcoholic or a smoker, when you tell people that you are no longer drinking or smoking, most people will give you positive reinforcement. That makes it easier. This is, of course, not to say that it is easy to DO those things, but it is easier to announce when you plan to stop bad habits that everyone thinks are bad habits. It is easier to find support. Most people, upon being told that you are no longer drinking, will not immediately offer you a beer. Share stories of all night benders, and people will jump right on the bandwagon to help you get sober. Offer up tales of overeating and weight gain, and you will most likely just hear their own horror stories and then be offered some cookies.

I find it harder to quit implement changes in my diet because you are so often met with resistance or disbelief. Announce that you no longer eat sugar, and the people who know you (and have seen you snarf cake like your life depended on it) tend to view you with a healthy does of skepticism. They naturally don't think you'll make it, and honestly, they probably don't think that it really matters if you do. When someone decides to quit smoking, you don't often hear people say "oh, smoking's not so bad in moderation, go ahead, light up." They will say this to you if what you want to quit is sugar.

And I'll tell you, it may be more socially acceptable, but sugar is every bit as bad for you as smoking or drinking too much.

So I have decided to cut sugar out of my diet. It may not happen cold turkey, but it will happen. I also plan to eliminate (or at least limit) wheat and gluten. I have some digestive issues and I think this will help in terms of my overall health. And yes, I feel stupid saying these things. It feels uncomfortable to suddenly be applying strict rules to what I eat when I ever have before. I don't enjoy talking about it; it feels like I'm lying about who I really am or putting on airs. I worry that people will hear I don't eat sugar or wheat or whatever, and look at my fat ass and think "yeah right." But I am unhappy with my choices in regards to what I put in my body. I want to do better for myself, and I can't let the non existent strangers in my head judge me. All habits have to be changed one day at a time. You have to start somewhere, and as uncomfortable as it makes me, as much as it makes me feel like a pretentious asshole, I'm starting here.

I'm sure it will get easier.


  1. So, I ate everything in sight this weekend-- Indian take out, pizza, lots of candy, and entire column of Joe-Joes in one sitting, Snickers ice cream bars, you get the picture. I have recommitted myself to diet efforts today, though, and I know EXACTLY what you mean. One thing that helps me feel full (when I am not eating like a pig) is edamame-- it's 60 calories for .25 cups, and it's got a ton of protein-- such a good snack!

  2. I love edamame! I have heard some whisperings about it not being so great to eat because of the estrogen in it - epecially for kids and men - but I haven't done any research into it yet so i don't really know what that's about. I kind of don't want to look into it because I love eating it so much!

  3. I have been thinking about doing the exact same thing with sugar! The problem is - sugar is my LOVER. I have had this incredible sweet tooth ever since my kids were born ... like pregnancy flipped some "sugar switch" within me. The thought of giving it up makes me break out in a cold sweat, but I know I would be EVER so much better off.

  4. Rita, the sugar switch is exactly what happened to me - before I had kids I liked sweets fine, but sugar wasn't that big a deal. Then after I had Izzy (not even during my pregnancy, just after) my sweet tooth suddenly started raging out of control, and now sweets are practically all I eat.
